Young Energy Europe
Cilj projekta Young Energy Europe je poboljšati mjere prilagodbe klimatskim promjenama u tvrtkama. Mladi stručnjaci iz različitih industrija pohađaju edukaciju za energetskog skauta (Energy Scout) koja ih osposobljava za praćenje i smanjenje potrošnje energije u tvrtkama.
Projekt Young Energy Europe pokrenula je Europska klimatska inicijativa (EUKI). EUKI je instrument financiranja Saveznog ministarstva gospodarstva i zaštita klime (BMWK). Young Energy Europe koordinira DIHK Service GmbH, a provodi se zajedno s lokalnim partnerima – vanjskotrgovinskim komorama u Bugarskoj, Češkoj, Grčkoj, Hrvatskoj, Mađarskoj, Poljskoj, Slovačkoj i Srbiji.
Projekt u Hrvatskoj započeo je u travnju 2021. godine.
Europa je prepoznala u čemu se krije veliki potencijal zaštite klime: zaštita klime nije samo ekološki neophodna, već služi i europskom tehnološkom vodstvu: promiču se inovacije, otvaraju nova tržišta, privlače investicije i na posljetku otvaraju nova radna mjesta. Zaštita klime također generira mnoge pozitivne popratne učinke poput smanjenja troškova energije u kućanstvima i tvrtkama ili bolju kvalitetu zraka u gradovima, što poboljšava zdravlje ljudi koji tamo žive.
Ciljevi projekta Young Energy Europe
- Aktiviranje potencijala za uštedu energije i troškova
- Povećanje energetske i resursne učinkovitosti poslovnih aktivnosti
- Jačanje ekološke svijesti, doprinos zaštiti klime
- Promicanje razmjene znanja i iskustva u Europi
Prednosti za tvrtke i sudionike/ce
- Identifikacija gutača energije i dugoročno smanjenje troškova energije
- Smanjenje ugljičnog otiska tvrtke
- Besplatno stjecanje dodatne kvalifikacije, nastavni materijali
- Stjecanje priznate AHK-kvalifikacije za energetskog skauta
Ciljna skupina
Ciljna skupina su prvenstveno mladi stručnjaci iz različitih industrija.
Tijek edukacije
1. Prijava
Zainteresirane tvrtke prijavljuju svoje zaposlenike za sudjelovanje na edukaciji.
2. Workshop
Workshop u trajanju od četiri ili pet dana pruža osnovno znanje iz područja energije - od proizvodnje, preko važnosti za zaštitu klime do učinkovite uporabe i tehnologija povezanih s uporabom.
3. Praktični dio
Nakon toga slijedi razdoblje od nekoliko tjedana u kojem energetski skauti u tvrtki koncipiraju i provode vlastiti projekt energetske učinkovitosti.
4. Prezentacija projekta
U posljednjem modulu, „Prezentacija projekta“, sudionici predstavljaju svoje praktične projekte na zajedničkoj radionici, a ocjenjuje ih žiri. Pritom sudionici profitiraju od iskustava drugih tvrtki te na taj način dobivaju ideje za vlastite nove projekte. Naposljetku svi energetski skauti dobivaju potvrde o sudjelovanju, a najbolji su nagrađeni od strane žirija.
The fifth generation of Energy Scouts starts its trainings – high demand in the countries
After many successful practical projects, the fifth round of trainings started in the participating Young Energy Europe countries this May. A particularly high demand can be observed in the foreign chambers of commerce (AHKs) Poland, Slovakia and Croatia, which take part in the Young Energy Europe program since 2021. Here, a total of 107 motivated and curious professionals took part. Taking a closer look into the individual countries discloses how diverse the training courses are, as well as the wide range of industries and age profiles of the Energy Scouts who participate.
In Hungary, the month of May was dominated by the launch of the Energy Scouts training program, in which a total of 18 young professionals from both manufacturing companies and municipal stakeholders participated. Due to the hybrid event format, participants were able to attend the workshops either on-site or online, taking into account existing work commitments. This year the main focus laid on compressed air, awareness and lighting. The final part of the qualification for the Scouts consists of the presentation and communication workshops.
From theory directly into practice – the Energy Scouts are already eagerly working on the selection of topics for their practical projects, representing a balanced mix of the topics lighting, green energy, compressed air systems and building energy. Based on this selection, promising initial concepts can be expected during the second part of the communication and presentation workshop in September.
32 Energy Scouts from 13 companies were also trained in Croatia online mid-May and in early June in person. In addition to the “traditional topics” such as climate protection, optimization and savings opportunities, renewable energy sources and communication techniques, the participants were given a tour of the production facilities at the location of the course – the metal processing company HF Belišće. Directly on site, the participants learned more about the modernized production processes which achieve to neutralize CO₂ emissions. In addition, the Energy Scouts were taught the correct application of TESTO measuring devices, which currently can be borrowed during the conceptualization phase of their energy efficiency projects.
High participation throughout the entire training process reflected the enthusiasm of the intergenerational teams from craft schools, municipal companies, and manufacturing companies (chemical and food industries, electrical component manufacturers, automotive suppliers, and cement factory). The practical projects are now being actively worked on until the beginning of August, so that the Scouts can present them in the following month.
In the greenest building in Slovakia, the Einpark Offices, three training days with 28 participants were held in June. During this first module, the future Energy Scouts were sensitized to the overarching topics of climate protection and resource efficiency with a focus on water management, circular economy, and waste and zero waste. The training series also includes an online training session and two online Q&A rounds, where participants can clarify open questions concerning their practical projects.
Insightful issues such as green washing and project accounting are also addressed in online workshops, in which Energy Scouts from 2021 as well as from the current year can participate. Given the different Energy Scout years and the age structure of the participants, this provided a cross-generational exchange between the Scouts. Likewise, the business sectors of the participants reflect the variety of fields of where trained Energy Scouts apply their knowledge: from producers and suppliers in the automotive and electrical industries to service providers in the energy, gas and electricity sectors to representatives of the food and drugstore retail trade as well as tax consulting and auditing – the level of interest in potential savings is high and exists in many sectors.
Czech Republic
The kick-off of the new training round took place in the representative premises of the dome of the German-Czech Chamber of Industry and Commerce on May 18-19, 2022. During the two training days, the 32 intergenerational course participants from a total of 15 different companies were informed about existing practical projects. One of these showcase projects was a photovoltaic project from 2021, which was presented by Alumni Energy Scout Jan Liška from EUROVIA CS, a.s.. After a short round of introductions, lecturers Mr. Arne Springorum and Ms. Andrea Lančová from Deloitte Legal s.r.o. conducted a workshop on climate protection and taxonomy correspondingly. Subsequently, the topics of project management and communication were examined with two lecturers from the MgC Group. In addition to individual consulting services and the possibility of borrowing TESTO measuring devices and testing them directly within their own projects, specialist workshops were held on the topics of lighting and compressed air, energy basics, energy management and data analysis. In June, the program continued with the third training session in the facilities of the Prague National Technical Library. The energy-saving design of the building itself already served as a source of inspiration for the Scouts. A fourth training session was held online.
The challenging situation on the energy market affects many Polish companies also. The second round of Young Energy Europe therefore aroused great interest in Poland – expressed in the high number of 47 participants from various sectors such as metal processing, food production, industrial product manufacturing as well as recycling and mobile communications, among others. For the aspiring Polish Energy Scouts the current training cycle began in May, initially online with lectures and workshops on the topic of climate-neutrality in companies. In early June, the participants met live in Warsaw at the modern Browary Warszawskie office and business complex, a former brewery that already provided ecological impetus with 100 trees planted and a flower meadow on the roofs. While lecturers from Ellipsis Energy presented various ways of optimizing and saving energy, Mirosław Bachorz, an eco-efficiency expert, explained solutions for reducing the consumption of commodities, materials, waste and emissions.
The Energy Scouts were educated on sustainable water management during a presentation of Professor Monika Żubrowska-Sudoł, and together with Albert Kania from PSPA and Marcin Kryśiński, they led a lively discussion about the future of electric mobility in Poland and how to implement electric mobility solutions in a company. Participants were also able to take part in training sessions on calculating the CO₂ footprint and design thinking workshops.
The event also included a networking evening with finger food and drinks, during which open questions and topics could be clarified directly on site with the lecturers present. Having come from different regions of Poland, this was an ideal opportunity for the participants for networking and to get to know the lecturers better outside of the common training setting. Driven by the newly acquired knowledge and fruitful exchanges, the Scouts will present their projects – bringing both financial and environmental benefits to their companies – in fall.
Further training sessions are being planned in Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia. Information as well as contact persons of the foreign chambers of commerce can be found here
30 novih Energy Scouts iz Hrvatske
Prvi dio četverodnevnog tečaja za Energy Scouts održan je online sredinom svibnja 2022., a nastavio se od 1. do 3. lipnja u sjedištu tvrtke Harburg-Freudenberger Belišće u istočnoj Hrvatskoj.
Četverodnevna radionica prenijela je osnovna znanja iz područja energetske učinkovitosti i osposobila mlade stručnjake iz raznih industrija za praćenje i smanjenje potrošnje energije u tvrtkama. Edukacija je zaokružena obilaskom proizvodnog pogona HF-Belišće.
Vrijedni Energy Scouts iskoristili su ljetne mjesece za pripremu svojih projekata energetske učinkovitosti, a 1. rujna 2022. održana je virtualna prezentacija projekata pred stručnim žirijem u sastavu:
- Boris Draženović (Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja RH)
- Ivana Lajtman, ing. strojarstva (Viessmann Hrvatska d.o.o.)
- Tomislav Stašić, ing. strojarstva (Idea2Project)
Među projektima su dominirale mjere štednje u području rasvjete, upravljanja energijom, potrošnje komprimiranog zraka i vode te instalacije fotonaponskih sustava,. Među njima je stručni žiri odabrao tri odnosno četiri najbolja projekta budući da su timovi iz tvrtk Robert Bosch d.o.o. i Steam Tech d.o.o. dijelili prvo mjesto.
Kako bi smanjili i prilagodili potrošnju električne energije na lokaciji Robert Bosch Hrvatska, Danica Katičić, Petra Morović i Ana Plavša iz HR odjela odlučile su se investirati u timere kako bi uključivanje i/ili isključivanje većih grupa potrošača električne energije kao što su printeri, računala i spremnici za vodu prilagodili modelu rada svakog pojedinog zaposlenika. Osim same ugradnje timera, najvažniji korak bila je obuka zaposlenika o prednostima i načinu korištenja uređaja.
S druge strane gospodin Josip Ugarković iz tvrtke Steam Tech d.o.o. odlučio se za korištenje izolacijskih jakni na ventilima, čime je uštedio 37.270 MWh električne energije i ujedno smanjio 5.404 t CO2.
Drugo mjesto osvojio je Dario Lovretić iz tvrtke Multinorm d.o.o. Zamjenom ukupno 163 industrijske svjetiljke instalirana snaga smanjena je na 18,05 kW, a godišnja potrošnja na 97.492,68 kWh. Na ovaj način tvrtka štedi 143.328,10 kWh/god., što rezultira uštedom od 32.460,38 EUR/god. Postavljena LED rasvjeta smanjuje emisiju CO2 za 20,8 t/god. Drugi korak bio je postavljanje fotonaponskog sustava na krov proizvodne hale. S ukupno 900 fotonaponskih modula postignuta je snaga od 499 kW. Očekivana godišnja proizvodnja električne energije je 596.240 kWh. Kao rezultat toga, tvrtka planira uštedjeti 135.034,09 eura godišnje. Sam fotonaponski sustav će smanjiti emisije CO2 za 86,5 t/god.
Treće mjesto pripalo je ekipi iz tvrtke Dilj d.o.o. koju su činili Mario Bičanić, Igor Dodig, Ivan Marijanović, Mihael Pinjušić i David Žgela, a koja he poduzela četiri mjere uštede: ugradnju PV sustava, modernizaciju rasvjete, zamjenu stanice za komprimirani zrak i zamjenu vakuumske pumpe. Kao rezultat toga, tvrtka štedi gotovo 2000 MWh električne energije godišnje i smanjuje emisiju CO2 za ukupno 300 tona.
Čestitke i svim ostalim ekipama Energy Scout-a iz tvrtki BELMET97, Harburg-Freudenberger Belišće, Komunalac Vukovar, Saponia d.d., Selk, Osijek-Koteks, Naturala i Obrtnička škola Koprivnica.
O tvrki Harburg-Freudenberger Belišće
Tvrtka Harburg-Freudenberger Belišće d.o.o. za proizvodnju strojeva za plastiku i gumu osnovana je 1998. godine u Belišću koje je sinonim duge industrijske tradicije čime se jamči stručnost i visoka kvalificiranost zaposlenika, kao i vrhunska kvaliteta finalnih proizvoda.
Tvrtka u Belišću je ujedno i najveći proizvodni centar unutar HF Tire Tech grupe te je u 100% vlasništvu Possehl grupe iz Lübecka. Spoj njemačko-hrvatskih znanja, kvalitete i predanosti radu čine našu tvrtku svjetskim liderom u segmentu poslovanja kojim se bavimo.
HF Belišće se prostire na približno 100.000 četvornih metara površine, što uključuje proizvodne hale, hale montaže, logističke centre i administrativne zgrade.
Posljednjih 10 godina poslovanja ostvarena su velika kapitalna ulaganja u proširenje, modernizaciju i zelenu energiju. Cilj daljnjih ulaganja je uvođenje suvremenih tehnologija i sustava, odnosno modernizacija procesa proizvodnje uz neutralizaciju emisije CO₂, a sve s ciljem unapređenja postojeće kvalitete svih proizvoda i očuvanje trenutne vodeće pozicije na svjetskom tržištu.
Također, tvrtka u glavni fokus stavlja brigu o vlastitim zaposlenicima, nudeći im konstantnu mogućnost edukacije i usavršavanja.
HF Belišće kao proizvodni centar za proizvodnju strojeva za vulkanizaciju gume te strojeva za konfekcioniranje guma je pouzdan partner svjetskim proizvođačima automobilskih i kamionskih guma. Svojim partnerima jamči kvalitetu, individualni pristup i konstantnu podršku.